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Seismic Source Company is a manufacturer of seismic instruments and data acquisition systems. Its products are used in a broad range of applications: Seismology, Structural Monitoring, Seismic Site Evaluation, Civil Engineering, Gas and Oil Exploration, Industrial Vibration Monitoring.


DAQ Link II System
for testing Boom Boxes and other Blasters

The Uphole Simulator is the tool for testing a dynamite blaster in the shop or field. Quick and easy, the UHS unit connects to the high voltage output of the blaster and the uphole geophone input.
The UHS sinks the output voltage from the blaster. As it receives the charge, it counts down 30 milliseconds and then outputs a waveform, simulating the signal the blaster might receive from an actual geophone.
After another 32 milliseconds, the UHS outputs a second signal. This signal is a square wave, and simulates a digital response.
The Power button activates the UHS, and the unit returns to Sleep Mode after a couple minutes to save battery power.

UHS Features:

  • Outputs both an analog geophone signal and a matching digital signal
  • Small and Rugged, use anywhere
  • Simple to use, only two connections
  • Convenient carrying case
  • Battery powered, runs on 4 AA batteries
  • Works with the Original Boom Box, Boom Box 3, Shot Pro, Shot Pro II, and Shot Pro HD


1) Connect Fire Line to the blaster high voltage lines.

2) Connect Uphole Line to the blaster uphole geophone lines.

3) Power button turns on the simulator. The power button flashes constantly when powered up.

4) Fire the blaster. The simulator will issue a waveform at 30 milliseconds and a square wave at 62 milliseconds.

Uphole Simulator Specifications:

Internal Power:

6 volts (4 AA batteries)

Operating Temperature:

32 to 160 degrees F


6.5 x 1.5 x 1.125 inches


1.12 lbs.


System Includes:

  • Uphole Simulator
  • Cap and geophone connection cables
  • Carrying case

UHS with Case


Uphole Simulator connected to Boom Box 3

upsim left  



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Seismic Source Co

2391 E. Coleman Rd.
Ponca City, OK 74604
Phone: (580) 762-8233
Fax: (580) 762-1785
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.