Welcome To Seismic Source Company

Seismic Source Company is a manufacturer of seismic instruments and data acquisition systems. Its products are used in a broad range of applications: Seismology, Structural Monitoring, Seismic Site Evaluation, Civil Engineering, Gas and Oil Exploration, Industrial Vibration Monitoring.


Independent Acceptance Testing for Field Equipment

All New Hardware Featuring:

24 data channels for testing sources and sensors

High-Speed ADC circuits for precise measurements of any signal

Specialized connections for easy use

Expanded internal memory for longer test runs

Uses the same software as the Bird Dog 3-3

Records results in the field and prints reports back in the office


Bird Dog 4 Options:

Vibrator Testing


  • Tests on multiple vibrators simultaneously


  • Run time and frequency domains tests

Geophone Testing


  • Simultaneously test three 1C geophones or strings;
    or else one 3C geophone


  • Tests sensor response

Hydrophone Testing


  • Test single hydrophones or streamer sections


  • Tests electrical and acoustic properties

Load Cell Testing


  • Utilize one to four load cells per system


  • Analyze amplitude and phase performance


Test Field Equipment Onsite

All new connections, features, and capabilities

bird-dog4-12 features
Precision testing of multiple vibrators

BD4 Vibrator QC:

Run QC tests on five vibrators simultaneously

Uses time and frequency domains tests

Includes two magnetic accelerometers
for independent testing and analysis

Includes PC software for statistical analysis
and report creation

Additional Functionality when compared
with Standard Bird Dog 3

Measure vibrator performance in field

Portable unit is easily moved between fleets

GPS time and location saved for every test


QC Vibrators in the Field


Vibrator Testing Features:

QC vibrator performance in the field

Runs wireline tests

Independent QC for one Vibrator

Wireless Test for five Vibrators

Check Zero Time for five Vibrators

Three different sets of inputs: BNC Coax,
"Vibe Wireline Cables" or "Octopus Harness"

Uses two independent accelerometers
(provided with system)

Assures clients that vibrators are running correctly


Pilot Traces from all Accelerometers


Vibrator QC Test Software:

Controls BD4 unit, plus offloads test data files

Runs Time and Frequency Domain Tests

Measures Output Force and Phase Error

Measures Distortion and Start Time Differences

Generates and Saves


Analyze Individual Trucks

Testing geophones in the field or office

A Versatile Quality Control Tool:

24-bit ADC chip for lower noise and increased

All test data saved in non-volatile memory
for later download and retrieval

Connects to PC via Ethernet or optional
Wi-Fi - Computer provides test control,
data download, real time display and
analysis of data, plus prints results
for archiving


Test any Geophone or Hydrophone


Bird Dog 3 Features:

Simultaneously test up to three single-axis
geophones or geophone strings; or one 3C

Includes MS Excel compatible interface for
statistical analysis and report creation

GPS time and location saved for every record


Customize Test Procedures


Geophone Testing Features:

QC individual element or strings

Run geophone tests when and where recording
system cannot

Tests anywhere at anytime

Assures clients that geophones are operating correctly


Geophone QC Software:

Time Domain and Frequency Domain Tests

Records and Prints all Test Results


Test Results for String of Geophones

Preparing hydrophones for the water

BD3 Hydrophone Test Option:

Measures electrical and acoustic

Includes Sound Tube and Amplifier
for independent testing and analysis

Included PC software utilizes MS Excel
compatible interface for statistical
analysis and report creation




Hydrophone Testing Features:

Measure hydrophone performance
in the shop or field

QC individual hydrophones or
streamer sections

Assures clients that hydrophones
are functioning correctly

GPS based time and location saved
for every record


Hydrophone QC Software:

Controls BD3 unit, plus offloads test data files

Measures electrical and acoustic properties

Verifies hydrophone accuracy and output

Generates and Stores reports


Testing a source's amplitude and phase output

The SSC portable Load Cell System is designed to measure vibrator performance where they are operating in the field or at the shop. Depending on the size of the vibrator, four of the SSC Load Cells are placed under the pad of the Vib and the sweep is recorded using a 24 channel DAQlink.




Portable Load Cell System features:

Easy to use Software

Robust Database

GPS for Time and Location of test

For use with any Seismic Vibrator

12 VDC operation


Each Load Cell System uses an Interface Box to gather data from the Loads Cells and transmit it to a recording device for interpretation by the provided VSCOPE software.


A typical system includes four base plates with each containing three load cells. The total weight capacity of the system depends on the type of load cells installed. Typical load cell capacities include 25,000 lbs. per cell and 50,000 lbs. per cell


The difference between the Load Cell output (green color) and the
Weighted Sum output from the accelerometers (blue color).


  Bird Dog 3 Brochure Download BD4 Brochure

Seismic Source Co

2391 E. Coleman Rd.
Ponca City, OK 74604
Phone: (580) 762-8233
Fax: (580) 762-1785
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.